How stupid does he think we are?

January 1, 2006

For the past three weeks I have been struggling to come up with a post that can accurately describe just how bad One Night @ The Call Center is. And I have come to the conclusion that it isn’t possible. This post simply cannot begin to explain how awful ON@TCC is.

Still, I’ll try.

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Singapore Diaries I: Shopping

December 31, 2005

Yes, I know that I’ve been back in India for two weeks already. In my defense, I’ve been trying to write other posts, but writer’s block and all that means I’ve decided to just get the Singapore posts over and done with, and hopefully I’ll be able to kickstart myself on the others.

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Nipples, Brown Eyes and Bastiat

November 14, 2005

I saw Spider-man 2 last week. You might point out that I’ve seen it about a year late. You would be right. But I’m going to write about it anyway.

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