Steak Satellite

Steak Satellite

Originally uploaded by aadishtk.

I’ve started photography. Emphasis on started. I’ve got a long way to go before I get good at it.

From what I’ve taken so far, I like this snap the best. The others are all greatly asymmetrical or have distractions like quarter plates or middle fingers in the background. This one is only a little assymetrical, and the half-hidden bottle of steak sauce goes with it, really. Apart from that, I love the way the steam rises off the sizzler and the detail on the baby corn.

0 Responses to Steak Satellite

  1. Dhoomk2 says:

    Where do I eat it?

  2. IndiJoe, Airport Road.

  3. Mukka says:

    I strongly suggest the usage of some nifty image editors like Picasa or even ACDSee; they make even innocuous pictures look *that* much better, with minimal effort.

  4. Since when is Picasa an image editor?

  5. Mukka says:

    The effects tab, my man. If it doesn’t technically qualify as an ‘editor’ (which I take to mean anything that can alter/enhance the look and feel of a snap), my apologies.

  6. Dibyo says:

    A picture of a sizzlin’ steak is ALWAYS a good picture.

  7. Dilip says:

    Hi Aadisht

    Good Photo man.. i m sure that u r going to click many more like that.. by the way where can u get it



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