The Fundamental Interconnectedness of all Things

You may have noticed that there’s hardly been any business/ economics blogging going on here for most of the year. Most of you probably didn’t care, but in case you did, please rest assured that I haven’t given up. It’s just that right now I’m preoccupied with an idea that is not fully formed.

The problem is that this idea is multiple intersecting ideas. And while I have a vague idea of how they link up, I can’t put it into words yet. And the the things linking up include:

  1. Nandigram, Singur, and eminent domain in general (especially Ila Patnaik’s more-than-one-year-old oped on it)
  2. IIMB’s internal instant messenger
  3. The lack of public spaces for performing artists in Bangalore
  4. Why people in slums have TVs but not flush toilets (this was a Nitin Pai post a while back)
  5. Bars in Singapore
  6. Why DRL got funding from ICICI Ventures while Ranbaxy did a public issue
  7. The Bangalore Central mall
  8. Reservations
  9. The Flickr API
  10. Open source software

All these are very diverse but rest assured that they link up. The problem, as I said, is in explaining clearly how they link up. Once I discovered two weeks ago that the Flickr API was also connected to all this, separating and sorting the linkages has become easier. It’s still a jumbled mess, but I’m closer to banging it into some sort of framework than before.

Until that happens, arbitfundablogging will continue as usual.

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